Organum Ensemble, Marcel Peres In Memoria Eterna: A Spiritual Vigil For The New Century



In Memoria Eterna: A Spiritual Vigil For The New Century

Ensemble Organum, Marcel Peres

This recording came to fruition thanks to nearly 25 years of effort.

In 1997, Marcel Pérès and his Ensemble Organum began a simultaneous exploration of the Mozarabic rite (the liturgical chant peculiar to the Christians living in Spain at the time of Arabrule) and of the Samaa spiritual practice of Morocco.

Setting aside the theological differences between the two faiths, the artists discovered a great deal of kinship between the two forms of musical expression.

A veritable utopia, the idea for this recording then suggested itself: to regain the lost accord of human brotherhood through music.

Harmonia Mundi France 2021


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