Soir Païen Music for Voice & Flute Alexis Kossenko


Музыка для голоса и флейты

ДЕБЮССИ и его современники

Philippe Gaubert Soir Païen For Voice, Flute and Piano Composed By – 3:35

Jacques Ibert  Deux Stèles Orientées For Voice and Flute

I. Mon Amante a Les Vertus de L’Eau 3:00 3

II. On Me Dit… 1:45

André Caplet Une Flûte Invisible For Voice, Flute and Piano 2:53

Maurice Emmanuel Trois Odelettes Anacréontiques

I. Au Printemps 2:56 6

II. A la Cigale 2:06

III. A La Rose 2:39

André Caplet Écoute, Mon Cœur For Voice and Flute  3:34

Maurice Ravel “La Flûte Enchantée” For Voice, Flute and Piano (From Shéhérazade) 2:49

Charles Koechlin Sonate Pour Deux Flûtes, Op.75

Albert Roussel Deux Poèmes de Ronsard, Op.26 For Voice and Flute

I. Rossignol, Mon Mignon… 5:02

II. Ciel, Aer Et Vens… 3:27

Albert Roussel Les Joueurs De Flûte, Op.27 For Flute and Piano

I. Pan 3:10 16

II. Tityre 1:05

III. Krishna 3:22

IV. M. de la Péjaudie 1:51

Maurice Delage Hommage À Roussel For Voice, Flute and Piano  3:37

Claude Debussy La Flûte de Pan (Syrinx) For Flute and Narrator 3:04 21

Charles Koechlin “Le Nénuphar” For Voice, Flute and Piano (From Poèmes d’Automne, Op.13) 5:18

Georges Hue Soir Païen For Voice, Flute and Piano 3:25


Soir Païen
Alexis Kossenko (flute)
Anna Reinhold (mezzo), Sabine Devieilhe (soprano), Magali Mosnier (flute) Emmanuel Olivier (piano, Erard)
Flautist Alexis Kossenko’s latest offering is evocative, impressionistic: a programme in which flute, piano and voice together have pride of place.

In the company of Anna Reinhold, Sabine Devieilhe, Magali Mosnier and Emmanuel Olivier, Alexis Kossenko blends melodie and chamber music through a fascinating programme that explores the various influences of French music in the early Twentieth Century.

From Ancient Greece (with Maurice Emmanuel’s Odelettes anacréontiques or Debussy’s very famous Syrinx) to the Orient, with Jacques Ibert and Maurice Ravel (Asie), the musicians deploy a great colour palette, to the image of Monet or Renoir’s vivid paintings. The result is a fine picture of French music at the time of Debussy.


Aparte, 2019


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